1st Milestone
Planting Costa Rica
1st Milestone: Planting Costa Rica to the World
Planting Costa Rica want to see more producers succeeding, and for this we find imperative the construction of two way bridges on which coffee, and information travel. Only then producers, roasters and consumers will share feedback and quality can improve.
For us to better understand all the day-to-day issues and demand of all characters in the value chain, we came up with a 3-Step-Approach:

1st Step: Euro-Coffee tour

2nd Step: Visiting Producers

3rd Step: New York Coffee Festival
3 Step-Approach
1st Step: Eurocoffee tour (Abril - August 2017)
We want to get the full picture! To do this, we are going to visit the maximum amount of Coffee Homes, Baristas and Roasters around Europe. As our team members are based in different countries across the world, this has allowed us to meet coffee lovers, and people who want to be part of the coffee community, and to exchange ideas over a cup of good coffee.
We want to share our passion for this project, explain principals, and raise awareness about social impact speciality coffee can have in producing countries. Most importantly, we want to make new friends.
2nd Step: Visiting Producers (September-October 2017)
Our goal is to visit at least 200 Costa Rican coffee producers in the 8 regions in Costa Rica where coffee grows. With a presentation we want to paint the picture for producers to see how the speciality coffee world looks like in Europe. We know producers know about this market, yet as we feel euphoric, shocked and amazed every time we walk into a Coffee Home or Roastery, we want them to feel too, and understand that they can be part of the speciality coffee movement.
It is important for the producers to understand that quality production pays off, and that we can work together to successfully compete in the international speciality coffee market.
3rd Step: New York Coffee Festival (October 2017)
Throughout this event we will be presenting to coffee passionates from the whole value chain our motivation, apporach, and achievements in previous stages. We will walk them through our groundwork in Europe, and in the Costa Rican farms. Before they leave, they need to know that Costa Rican producers are now seriously committed to quality more than ever.
By the end of the New York Coffee Festival, the potential socio-economic impact and project's pillars need to be clear: Transparency, Traceability, and Quality.